I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

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2000-09-19 - 8:33 pm�
Responses and a small confession

Today was a day. Not a great day, not a bad day, just a day. But, another day, another dollar, so I guess that's something. Actually, it really wasn't a bad day at all. I found a new store downtown that just sells candles. That was pretty cool. And I got to sit in a private cubicle today, also pretty cool.

The highlight of my day, and this was a significant thing mind you, was when the sweet old office volunteer brought me in half a dozen very tasty freshly baked cheesy buns, for no other reason than "she likes me and wanted to give me something, that's all." She is officially my favorite person in the whole world today.

She is closely followed by everyone on my "diaries I read" list who updated today. You can all feel content that you have put a ray of sunshine into my grey little life.

Now I'm going to copy Kat, because she is cool (and because I don't really have anything else to write about today) and post a few replies to other people's diaries.

To Kat:

That was riveting, as always. Thank you. :)

Also, I used to play the clarinet too, so I feel compelled to share my clarinet story. My clarinet worked fine, I just wasn't very good. No "clarinet chin" for me either, but I did have clarinet thumb. I had to press upwards really hard on the thumb rest so that my fingers would cover the holes properly. After six years of doing that I developed a neat little curvy dent on the side of my thumb. Music related deformities are fun.

To Marla:

Thank you for understanding the importance of keeping me amused. It's not hard to do, really. Shiny things usually do a pretty good job of it.

It was great seeing you this weekend! Thanks for squeezing me into your busy schedule.

To Katie:

I have been watching the Olympics and feeling all patriotic too. Of course, I'm feeling a different, more Canadian patriotism than you are, but that's okay! Our brand of patriotism is less "we won, we're the best" and more "we tried really hard, and we didn't do too badly, eh?" That's probably based on the fact that we never really win that much. But I must say I did feel patriotic and dare I admit, dewey-eyed, when our gold medal trialthon guy (Simon Whitfield) was crying into his flowers during the Canadian anthem.

Oh, and thank you for entertaining me with your updates today too. I get a little worried about you when I haven't heard from you in a while and you haven't updated.

And finally, to my good friend Sarah:

Go play around in front page-- that's where I got most of my limited html knowledge. That should help your html envy. And I'd be happy to help you if you wanted to make any more changes.

And you will have a good time at The Hip concert, I promise. And if you are still a little wary about sitting alone, make sulking noises about it around the boy. As long as he's not feeling too social phobic on concert day, he'll probably switch seats with you in favour of your sweet, sweet floor seat. He's a big guy, he'll have no trouble seeing anything no matter where he sits.

And go buy Road Apples.

Well that does it for my responses. That was a good way to eat up an entry on a night when I couldn't think of much to say.

Before I go, I have a confession to make: About 50% of the time when I mean to type "diaryland" I type "dairyland" instead. I think I have managed to correct myself every time before I hit the "Post New Entry" button though. This is a good thing because "dairyland" would be a whole other kind of site altogether. And leaving in that typo would make me sound like even more of a goober than I already do.

yesterday tomorrow

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