I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2002-01-17 - 7:36 p.m.� The past couple of days I've woken up with a knot in my stomach, and the beginnings of a headache behind my left eye. I am not sure whether I am coming down with something, or whether it is simply the thought of going into work that is making me feel so ill. I am strongly suspecting that it is work. There is so much going down right now. Rumors, innuendo, backstabbing, butt-kissing, politics are all running rampant. My saucy big bastard of a boss has been slashing jobs through his brilliant new plan of amalgamation. The idea being that there will undoubtedly be people will quit in frustration at having to commute to my office to do double the work they previously had. That way he doesn't actually fire anyone. It's all very Office Space. I am beginning to twitch and mumble insanely to myself. I am becoming Milton faster than you can say "Red Swingline Stapler." Joking aside, I'm seriously stressed, and I think it is starting to affect me physically. In addition to the nausea and niggling little headache, I've been having some serious gas problems. It's on the verge of becoming embarassing; my cubicle is not private or closed off. I have to believe it is stress related, because I haven't changed my eating habits or anything. I am afraid that I will be pushed out next. My department has already lost one position, easily accomplished because the woman who had been holding that position is on leave, dying of cancer. It's morbid, and sickening, but the truth is, I'm nearly certain that the management powers that be, saw her illness as a wonderful stroke of luck. I fear for my job. I fear for my ability to pay the rent if I go back to temp work. I fear leaving a job that I actually enjoy (when I'm not caught up in the shitstorm going on around me), and coworkers that I love, for a new situation that I might hate even more than this, because I'm not stupid or naive; most offices/companies have this kind of nonsense. I've said it before. I like my job. The actual work itself-- this is the only job I've ever had that I've honestly enjoyed. And I like the people that I am working with directly. It would be a perfect job for me if there wasn't all the other crap to go along with it. I've become so dreadfully boring lately. All I do is talk about my job. I need to get something new in my life to think about...
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |