I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-12-15 - 11:42pm� Well. I (finally) started the folding and stuffing temp job today. What a strange office, let me tell you. First of all, when I arrived one minute to opening time, no one was there. Professional! When someone did show up, she looked at me in confusion and said "Back again? I thought you were here on Wednesday." Yeah, me too. Then she said, "Do you know what they want you to do?" I replied that all I had been told was that I was to be folding and stuffing. She sighed, and told me that she didn't know what to do with me because the person who was to be my supervisor had the day off. She told me to have a seat and wait and see if someone else from the department showed up. Around this time my coworker from the temp agency showed up. She asked me what's happening, I fill her in. We roll our eyes over the disorganization and rudeness of these people. They left us sitting there waiting for close to a half an hour. Meanwhile, I'm getting more and more hopeful by the minute that they will decide to send us home (they have to pay us for 4 hours any day we arrive for work, even if we don't work for 4 hours). I got my hopes up for nothing, sadly. Someone who knew what to do with us showed up and we got to work. Fine, no problem. The morning went pretty smoothly. My fellow folder and stuffer and I got along well, and the time went pretty fast. About a half an hour before lunch someone came in to check on our progress. We had been pretty pleased with ourselves until this woman came in. She looked at what we'd done and sighed overdramatically, "Well there is no way you are going to get done this today. I suppose I have to come and help you." Here's the thing: when we were hired to do this stupid assignment we were told it would take two days to finish. It was originally supposed to start on Monday of this week and last through until the end of Tuesday. Then it was pushed up to start on Wednesday. Then it was Thursday. Finally, finally, they were ready for us to start today. Now up until this point, both myself and the other temp worker had taken the delays with a good nature. The delays were a pain in the ass, and in all likelihood neither of us would have accepted the assignment in the first place if we had known that this two day assignment would last the entire week. Still, we were flexible and understanding to a fault. After lunch the big boss guy came in. He looked at the big stack of work that we still had to do and said, "Listen girls, what is the likelihood that this is going to be done today?" Despite the fact that I wanted to kick him in the nuts for referring to us as "girls," I summoned up my friendliest voice and replied, "Well, I think they were right originally when they figured that this would be a two day job." He grunted (I'm not kidding, he actually grunted) and said, "If this don't go out to my customers today they aren't going to get them in time." Yeah, well cry me a river! It wasn't our fault that everything got delayed! It certainly wasn't our choice. If I'd had my way I would have been done this stupid job before today so that I could have gone to the office party at my former temp job this morning with people who actually liked me. No one actually came right out and said that they weren't pleased with our work but everyone was scornful towards us. They would either ignore us altogether or make not so subtle comments about the urgency of the project. They were trying to make us the scapegoats. They screwed up, and we could take the heat for it. Bastards. They finally decided that there they had no choice but to accept that the job couldn't be finished in one day. They told the temp agency that they wanted to keep us for half a day on Monday. The other woman who was temping with me said that she couldn't come back on Monday because she was starting a new job. I don't know if it was true or just a good excuse, but I can't blame her for not wanting to come back there. I don't want to go back there either but I said I'd come back on Monday to finish it up. Seeing as I'll be working alone this time, it will probably take me close to all day to finish. I could use the money and there is no other way that I'm going to get any work next week-- I need Thursday and Friday off, and it's unlikely that another 2 or 3 day assignment is going to pop up-- and I could use the money. I'm not desperately broke or anything, but with Christmas and a road trip coming, another day of work this month would be a nice bonus. I've got a ton of papercuts on my fingers and I'm in a crappy mood. I'm really glad it's Friday today.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |