I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

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Big Fat Blog

2000-10-17 - 9:58 pm�

This week at work I'm filling in for someone who is on vacation. The job is similar to the one I have been doing there-- scheduling rides and stuff for seniors. But I'm dealing with a new area now (geographically speaking) with means a new group of clients. Most of them were really nice when I explained that this was my first day, so they'd have to give me all the necessary info about them because I didn't know them yet. Except for one guy. One nasty miserable old man who kept me on the phone for 15 minutes making me check over the finer points of his bookings, and who kept calling me "new girl." As in "Hey new girl, don't you hang up on me!" Like I gave him any indication that I was going to hang up on him. Sheesh.

I was trying out a new deodorant today. The old one was giving me a repeat of the problem I had in the summer, but would rather not mention by name, lest it put me even higher on a Google search for said affliction. Anyway, this new deodorant is scented, but it was still supposed to be hypo-allergenic, and it smelled nice and somewhat familiar so I thought I'd try it out. As the day wore on, the scent seemed more and more familiar and it really began to bug me to try and remember what it reminded me off. I tried to think of perfumes, shampoos, hand lotions... and then it struck me: Future Floor Polish. I can't believe I didn't recognize it sooner. I use Future all the time-- it's the cheapest and easiest way to buff my fimo pieces. And I guess there are worse things to smell like than Future, although I never thought Eau de Floor Polish would be the scent for me.

Midol is a good thing, except for the fact that it makes me really spacey at times. I hope this entry makes some sense in parts. It's not a cohesive entry, just snippets really, but it would be good if the snippets themselves made sense.

I have a request. Can anyone give me some good first date topics of conversation? I've talked to this guy 5 times now (3 since he asked me out) and we've already covered the basics, and we don't seem to have all that much in common so far, so I'm afraid we'll run out of things to say an hour into the actual date. Suggestions? Anyone? Anyone?

Oh, and in response to something Katfish said today (sorry, too lazy to link right now)-- I've been called a lot of things in my time, but tall will never be something anyone calls me without sarcasm. Unless of course there is some hideous plague on humanity that shrinks everyone (excluding me) down to like 5 feet tall or shorter. Then my 5'2 height might be considered to be tall. You'd call me your leader, I'll be king of the world.

Ahem. Sorry, gratuitous Pinky and the Brain quoting. It happens sometimes.

Yeah, so I'm just getting silly now. That means it's time to go to bed.

yesterday tomorrow

Recent Nonsense:

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