I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

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2000-09-27 - 9:24 pm�
Pissy and slightly paranoid rantings about work

Work was not fun today. I'm getting a little frustrated with all the busywork they've been giving me. I mean, I do understand why... I made myself clear that unless they can find 7 hours of work for me every day I will not come back. I can't afford to sit around at home when I could be getting steady work from the temp agency. And the temp agency said I'm well within my rights to quit this assignment if they can't give me work everyday. It's a change in job description if I'm not getting full time hours, and if the job description changes, I have the right to reevaluate whether or not I want the assignment.

So, where was I? Oh yes. The busywork. The work that they've made up for me to do so that I don't leave before they actually need me again. I've enjoyed some of the jobs they've had me do. The real stuff, that needs to be done whether I'm the one doing it or not. Like the newsletter, or the flu shot campaign, or new volunteer posters.

Unfortunately it's not all like that. They decided that I should retype all the forms that the program uses. Why? Well, it would be nice to have the forms backed up on computer, and some of the forms are not too professional looking. Fair enough, right?

Except that it isn't that simple. I input a form they give me. I play with font size, and bold, and tables and columns and such to make the forms look nice. So far so good. I print off the forms and give them to my supervisor. She critiques them, as does her supervisor, and they work up some "revisions." Rather than revising the original hard copy, they wait until I'm done it as is and then they revise.

So the printout comes back to me with lovely, pointless suggestions scribbled on them. Things like "The font in this line here should be one or two points smaller" or "Can we make this column alot bigger?" or "I don't like the word 'can' anymore. Change it to 'could' on all the forms." I really wish I were kidding. Oh, and then there was today's directive: "Print out 2 or 3 copies of all the forms again, each with Arial, Times New Roman, and Dutch Compressed font so we can see which font looks more professional."

At first I thought these people were obsessive no, anal, perfectionists. Now however, I am convinced that they have just run out of things to give me to fill out my day.

Tomorrow they'll probably want me to clean out the storage room or something. If they do, it will be mighty hard not to tell them to go to hell.

Yesterday was almost as bad. I didn't notice quite as much though because my mind was on other things. At least yesterday they found me a secluded cubicle. I spent a good chunk of the day writing personal stuff, including yesterday's most substantial diary entry. And no one seemed to care that the busywork was taking me at least twice as long to complete. Which just goes to further my theory that all they are trying to do is keep my day's full.

I was feeling pissy and a wee bit bold before I left the office today. I went up to the head of my department and asked her if I could leave an hour early tomorrow. She happily told me that was just fine with her, and see seemed relieved when I reminded her that I had scheduled to take Friday off.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I'm feeling useless there. I feel like I'm just a burden on them. Like they sit around and whisper about what to do to keep me occupied.

I'm starting to resent it.

Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just pissy today and in desparate need of getting away from it all for a couple of days. How fortuitous that tomorrow after work I am getting away for a couple of days! I'm going to impose myself on Sarah and Craig (and Sammy). But they don't mind. They love me, right? Sarah does, anyway. And Craig will put up with me, I'm sure.

Quote of the day:

"I swear to god, I will burn this whole place to the ground." --Milton, Office Space

Runner up for quote of the day:

"I suspect everyone is against me and frequently wrap myself in tissue paper." --Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

yesterday tomorrow

Recent Nonsense:

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