I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

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2000-09-24 - 2:42 pm�
Rantings about customer service and shoddy bus service

Today has been one of those days where nothing goes according to plan and ends up pissing me off. It's not fair that today was one of those days either, because I am in a general good mood, and really didn't want to be pissed off.

So first of all, I get on the bus to drop off my hours at my temp agency, as I do every Sunday morning. I get down to the bus station to transfer, and one ofthe bus drivers informs me that the bus I'm waiting for will be another half an hour. What the fuck? Apparantly they made some changes to the Sunday service. Did they think to inform anyone? Well, there is a sign about it inside the bus station. Helpful, really.

So I wait in the bus station for a half an hour, trying to block out the soft rock FM radio (Celine Dion and Phil Collins, be still my heart). Sure, fine, whatever. I drop my hours off at the temp agency, no problem. I get back on the bus, ride it a few stops to a plus-sized women's clothing outlet. I was pleasantly surprised with both the prices and selection. I picked out a pair of black pants, a lavender sweater, and a amazingly priced black suit. The sweater and the pants fit perfectly and looked great. I tried on the suit jacket, and it was gorgeous. I looked so good in it. I tried on the suit pants. I couldn't get them over my thighs. What the fuck?

I took them off, checked the tag and they were, get this, 6 sizes smaller than the jacket! So um, yeah, no wonder they didn't fit. I took them to a saleswoman, who looks for the matching sized pants. There are none. There are none that are even close. Okay, fine. I ask how much for just the jacket. They tell me that they can't sell it separately, it has to be sold as a set. But it's not a set anymore! My reasoning goes nowhere. Both the saleswoman and the manager were very helpful, but it happens to be corporate policy of the store that the best they can do is offer me a 10% discount. Not good enough. So I ask, "Can you order it for me from another store?" Sure, they can do that. Next question is, "When will it arrive here?" Answer? Corporate policy doesn't allow store to store transfers. They can hold it for me at another store for 24 hours. But, um, I can't get out of town to another outlet tomorrow! I don't own a car.

Here's what bugs me the most. The salespeople were so helpful. They were trying their best, but they were restricted by the chain's policies. So they lost a $60 sale for no good reason. I got a comment card though, and I plan to make my feelings known to the head office. Like anyone will care, but it will make me feel somewhat more satisfied. I'd rather just have the suit though.

Okay, so one last stop before I go home: Blockbuster video. I must say that I am not a big fan of that chain to begin with. And I don't know if it's just in the Blockbusters that I have had the displeasure of going into, but in my experience, the staff in these stores is a total moron-a-thon. I'm sorry if anyone reading this works at Blockbuster. I'm sure that not everyone who works at Blockbuster are stupid. You are most certainly one of the exceptions, and I wish you would transfer to the Blockbuster here in Barrie.

So I had a point here somewhere that I wanted to get to... Oh yeah. I wanted to buy the Men in Black special edition DVD. I took the display copy up to the cash and say that I would like to by a copy of this dvd. The cashier gives me a blank stare and goes over to a drawer(!) and starts sorting through piles of generally opened and loose dvds. Um, excuse me, I say. I don't want this copy. It's been opened. The edges of the case are dog-earred. It has Blockbuster stickers all over the cardboard cover. The collectible booklet has been ripped. And the dvds themselves are kept loose in a drawer???? I want a new unopened copy, thank you.

But this is the only copy we have left. That's fine, I say. I don't want to buy this one. Well no one has watched the dvds, she tells me. We took them out of the package so they'd be safe. That's not the point, I tell them. It's been opened, it is no longer new. I don't want to buy it. But it is new, it's just the display copy. Whatever, I'm not interested. So she snatches the case off the counter and snaps, "Fine!"

Yes, fine. Exactly.

What has happened to customer service? Shouldn't this be a company's number one concern? I know there are good salepeople around. I know that Sarah, for one, has excellent customer service skills. The women at the clothing store today also displayed good customer service skills as well, but it didn't matter because the coporate policies stood in their way.


Okay, so I'm sure that no one but me got anything out of this diary entry today, but it was very therapuetic for me to rant about it here, so nyah.

yesterday tomorrow

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