I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

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2000-09-18 - 7:58 pm�
Things are good enough for now.

No one I want to talk to is online now. Not even anyone that I don't really want to talk to but would settle for is online now. Pout.

Work was okay today. Work was even better than okay. I feel I should talk a little about the job today seeing as I poured out my big job crisis/sob story last week. So for those of you who may be wondering, I went in today and had a little chat about my future with them, and I am officially pleased with the outcome of the conversation. I will be an "office floater," providing clerical assistance and using whatever other skills I possess as needed. Right now I am mainly helping out in the department I've been working in all along. Oh, and I've been assured that the "don't come in tomorrow" fiasco will not become habit.

Today was a good day. I spent the majority of the day planning and composing the program newsletter. This is something that I like to do, and am good at. I used to get to do this when I worked for the Paramedic Program. I got to write such stirring articles as "Haldimand-Norfolk CPR Blitz a Success!" as well as taking charge of such popular regular features as "Birth Announcements." Sarcasm aside, it was something that I really enjoyed doing. Sure, the topics were not of earth shattering importance, but I like writing. I like writing things that I know other people will be reading.

I also get to do the layout for the newsletter, which I have a feeling would be a lot more fun if I didn't have to do it using Word Perfect 6.0 for Dos.

So all is well enough in Heather-land today. Except for the fact that I am damned tired again for no good reason. I wonder if I need more iron in my diet. Or maybe just fewer Coffee Crisp bars would help things.

I went downtown for a walk on my lunch hour today, as I have been doing fairly often, especially since the ice cream shop closed down. Downtown Barrie is only so big, so when I say I went for a walk downtown, what I really mean is that I looked around the stores downtown. I ended up looking at the magazines at a little newsstand-type store in the bus station, and I ended up buying this week's Entertainment Weekly because the cover story was about the X-Files. I took it up to the cash, and the young guy at the counter looked at it for a second and said, "She's got a new partner!" I nodded and smirked a little. He looked at it again in disbelief and asked, "What happened to the other guy?" I told him that Mulder had been abducted by aliens. The guy, totally serious, shakes his head and goes "Man, it's a shame when that happens."

It totally made my day.

yesterday tomorrow

Recent Nonsense:

The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03

Hello again - 2006-05-03

Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15

Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23

Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26

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Buy Me a Present