I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-08-28 - 9:00pm� Today was not a fun day. My morning was amazing hectic and annoying. First of all, 4 of the volunteer drivers called to cancel rides that I had booked them for this week. 4 of them! So my meticulously planned ride schedule, that I was so proud of, just when kerflewy. That's right, kerflewy. So I had to scramble around this morning and beg the volunteers to drive even more people around this week. Now I hate having to beg people to do anything for me. I know it stems from my difficulty in asking for help in my own life. I tend not to trust that people will come through for me. So asking volunteers for favours is one of the most awkward parts of this job for me. And I really hate asking too much of the drivers. These people are volunteers, after all. I don't want to put too much on them. Besides, if they feel like they are being taken advantage of, we might lose their services all together. So let's just say that it was not a fun morning. Oh! And that wasn't even the worst thing from this morning! I got a call from this mean, mean old woman who I swear was trying to pick a fight with me. She called and tells me, in this smug, self-righteous voice that she needs to schedule rides for today and tomorrow. I tell her that I can't do it, that all my drivers are booked up. This was the truth as far as I knew it. The mean, mean old women's response to this? In a smug tone she tells me, "Hmph. Well, that's funny." My response? "Um, I'm sorry, but--" And the mean, mean old women continues "Well I just talked to (insert volunteer's name here) and she told me that she could take me. So I guess you do have a driver available." Now why didn't she just tell me that in the first place? If she'd just said, "I just wanted to let you know that I arranged for so-and-so to drive me to two appointments" I wouldn't have told her that I didn't have a driver. No, she wanted me to tell her no, just so she could sound superior. And as far as I knew the volunteer she made the arrangement with wasn't taking any more rides this week. The volunteers are all nice, caring people, but geez! Make a decision about what you are able to do, and stick with it. Damn it all, I hate it when the volunteers go behind our back to schedule rides! It makes me look like an idiot. Or a mean person. Which I'm not. I'm a nice, non-idiotic person. Really. So lunchtime rolls around, I finally have everything all straightened around, and I notice for the first time that I have a headache. The startings of a migraine, actually, that may or may not have been caused by the stress of the morning. I don't get these all that often, thankfully, but when I do suffice it to say that it is really, really bad. I took some aspirin but it was too late by this point. I managed to make it around 3:30 before it got to be too much to deal with. I really didn't want to ask to leave early, but it got to the point where I had no choice. Looking at the computer screen hurt, reading hurt, hell, holding my head up hurt. And the nausea was starting. I really don't like having to go home from work sick, especially this early into the job. Even when it's legitimate, I worry that it doesn't make a good impression. But I think that puking all over my desk would have made a worse impression... I came home and slept half the evening away. That's about the only thing I can do to get rid of a migraine, go to sleep for a few hours. So hopefully tomorrow will be better. I hate it when a week starts out badly. It's such a bad omen. Stay tuned tomorrow for more tales of the disgruntled scheduling clerk. Is everyone really, really sick of hearing me whine about my job yet? It's just that I have so little else going on in my life, that the stuff from the job sort of occupies my mind most of the time.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |