I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-08-27 - 10:13am� 1. What is your full name: Heather. That's enough of an answer although if you looked hard enough through my diary and the links I've put here, you could probably find out my full name without too much trouble. 2. Zodiac Sign: Gemini 3. Favorite Colour: Green. Or Blue. Or Black... depends on my mood. 4. Favorite day of the week: Right now I'd have to say Saturday. But come September 26th when the new seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel start up, Tuesday will probably be my favorite day of the week. 5. Favorite Actor: It's hard to pick one... Harrison Ford is always pretty cool. So is Anthony Edwards of ER. And even though he's kind of a goober, I still have a soft spot for David Duchovny. And Magnum PI... I mean, Tom Selleck. 6. Favorite Actress: Gillian Anderson pretty much kicks ass. 7. If you could insure part of your body, which part would it be: hands, I think. Although I don't know what good insurance would do me. If I lost my hands getting a bunch of money wouldn't make up for the fact that I couldn't play with fimo or write or type anymore. 8. Favorite Game Show: Win Ben Stein's Money! Wait, can I pick a now defunct game show? 'Cause in that case, I'd have to say Bumper Stumpers. :) 9. What will you name your first child: I usually used to joke that I would pick some sort of bizarre ridiculous name for my first born, like Chicamaquatal, Goddess of Corn. But I wouldn't. Girls names I like are Emily and Jillian. Boys names are a little harder... Daniel, maybe? I don't know. It's easier to think of names that I wouldn't want to name my children. 10. What kind of tree would you be, if there was a choice of course: A refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it is just plain goofy. It reminds of a bit on Beavis and Butthead where they were making fun of things they had to do in Drama Class: "Heh heh, be a tree. Now be a sad tree." 11. If you could change part of your body, what: There are too many parts I would change if I could. 12. Have you ever experienced Dejavu? yes, of course. 12. Have you ever experienced Dejavu? yes, of course. 14. Are you sad that the survey skipped #13?: "Sad?" "Sad" doesn't cover it. I'm seriously traumatized over the matter. 15. Name 3 people off the top of your head: My Mom, Sarah, Cab Calloway. 16. Favorite Cartoon Charachter: Yeah, like there is any way I could just pick one favorite. How about my top ten? 10) The Brain, 9) Daffy Duck (as done by Chuck Jones), 8) The Tick, 7) Popeye (as done by The Fleishcer Studio), 6) Droopy, 5) Homer Simpson, 4) Bobby Hill, 3) Pepe Le Pew, 2) Betty Boop, 1) Bugs Bunny 17. Your Mother's Middle Name: Dorothy 18. Favorite Cereal: Rice Chex 19. Where would you rather be now: Anywhere but Here :) Should I narrow it down? Oh all right. Toronto or Hamilton. 20. Do you like anyone right now (opposite sex-wise): Luka from ER. Oh, did you mean a real person? sorry, no. 21. Salt or Pepper: Why can't I have both? 22. What's the longest you've been without showering: When I broke my ankle I couldn't have a real shower for 6 weeks. That was pretty much hell. 23. Do you like egg nog: In small doses. 24. Would you drink it with a mouse, or in a house: I would not like them in a house, I would not like them with a mouse, I would not like them here or there, I wouldn't like them anywhere 'Cause I do not like them, Sam-I-Am, No no, not for me, green eggs and ham 25. Most un-likely person for you to make best friends with: Mike Harris, Premier of Ontario, and general ripe bastard 26. Celebrity you think is most like you: What kind of question is that? How the hell would I know? 27. Best advice you've ever heard and who told you: "Don't count your weasels before they pop, dink." -- The Tick. I don't know. 28. Answer this seriously, no one will think you're gay. If you were of the opposite sex you are, and heterosexual, which celebrity would you think is hot: Gillian Anderson, Eliza Dushku 29. If you could be one of your friends, who would you be and why: I don't like this question. I don't want to be anyone else. I want to be me. 30. Are these questions getting a bit bizzare: Some of these questions have been getting a bit bizarre long before now. 31. Favorite type of muffin: My mom's Lemon Cream Cheese muffins. 32. Which side of the family do you look most like: My dad's. I'm told I look just like my dad's mother did when she was younger... except I don't have the figure she did. 33. Favorite Holiday: Christmas. Or maybe Boxing Day. It's still Christmas-y, only less dysfunctional than Christmas is in my family. 34. Dream Job: My dream job would be not having a real job at all. I want to be one of the idle rich. I think I'd really excel at that. 35. Biggest Regret: That I trusted someone who I thought was one of my best friends, when it turned out that she didn't think the same of me, and was unworthy of my trust. 36. Favorite Song EVER: I don't know if I have a favorite song EVER... "Blackbird", by The Beatles, maybe. Who can choose one song that is their favorite for all time? Some of my favorite songs right now are: "Luv" by Travis, "Full of Grace"; Sarah McLachlan, "Leaning on a Stair", Tory Cassis; "Guinea Pig", Moxy Fruvous; "Jesus's Brother Bob", The Arrogant Worms, "Cordelia", The Tragically Hip, "The Night that Patty Murphy Died", Great Big Sea, "Brian Wilson", Barenaked Ladies, "St. James Infirmary Blues", as sung by Cab Calloway. 37. Song you're afraid to admit you like: "When You're Gone" by Bryan Adams and Mel C. That's definitely one of those guilty pleasure songs for me. 38. Favorite word or phrase to say: Right now it's "I know!" shouted in a trailer trash/hillbilly accent. Or maybe "Temper, Temper, you know Cousin Merle ain't been quite right lately." Or "Oh, I'm a living joke." It changes all the time though. There is an embarrassingly large number of quotes, mostly from cartoons, that have their made in into my everyday speech. 39. Your Favorite Dead President: Why should I care about dead presidents? I'm Canadian, damnit. I care about dead prime ministers. Wait... no I don't. But I'd be more likely to care about dead prime ministers than dead presidents. Yeah, that's the ticket. 40. What was the last thing you ate: A Root Beer float 41. What is your earliest memory: I don't know. I remember a lot of things from my really early childhood, but I can't really rank them as to which is the very earliest. 42. Person you think will actually read all your answers to this: Katie and Sarah will. 43. Are you madly in love with Zack Gehringer: I don't even know who he is. So I guess the answer would be no. 44. Are you gay: Nope. 45. Are you sure: Yes. 46. Absolutely sure: yeah, I'm pretty damn sure. 47. Ok, good, i was just trying to up the # of questions... uh... do you like... hm.. this is getting tough... are you... i don't know, just pretend there was a question here and write an answer: I refuse to answer on the grounds that I might incriminate myself. 48. Do you believe in aliens: Why yes, of course I do! 49. Would you participate in a homosexual game of Twister to save a friend's life: Of course! But what exactly is Homosexual Twister? Are the rules the same as regular Twister? Is this some kind of joke that's going woosh over my head? 50. Wow, we're far. Well, uh.. do you like the number 50: Sure, it's a nice round number. ---Out of all your friends, who do you--- 51. Talk to the most: my brother, Sarah, Katie, Annie (and I don't care that I don't actually "talk" to Katie and Annie. I type to them, but it's pretty much the same thing in my book). 52. Tell the weirdest stuff to: Depends on the stuff. I tell different weird things to different friends. 53. Listen to problems and/or stories from: All of them. 54. Want to be with more: Sarah, because she moved away and I miss her. And Lisa in Hamilton because I moved away and I miss her. 55. Like? You don't necessarily have to answer, but..: Well seeing as with the exception of my brother, all my best friends are female, and we already covered the not gay thing, I'd have to say none of them. 55. Gossip with most: Depends on the subject of the gossip. ---In the past year--- 56. How many "crushes" have you had: two 57. Did you enjoy your lunch time: which lunch time? I've had probably 6 lunch times this past year. I like the one I have now. 58. How many journal entries did you write: A whole hell of a lot more than I did last year. 59. How many times did you think life sucked: Far too many to count, unfortunately ---Back to normal Questions--- 60. Is this survey starting to get a little suckier than when it was funny: It used to be funny? Did I miss something here? Well then, let's try a little harder then, shall we? 61. What tattoo would you like to have: I don't want a tattoo. Too permanent and too painful. I once had an Elmer Fudd temporary tattoo that was pretty cool though. I suppose if I had to have a tattoo, like if my life depended on it, I'd get one like Agent Scully's, because I'm a big geek. 62. What is your favorite State: I don't like this question, so I'm changing it to one that is more relevant for me: What is your favorite province: Newfoundland, even though I've never been there. 63. Why: Because they've got the cool accent. And Kitchen Parties. And Great Big Sea. 64. Is Elvis still alive: Yes. Elvis is Alive, and He's Living in My Toilet. (and the only person who will read this who will get that joke is Sarah). 65. What do you think of Mel Gibson: Getting old, but still nice to look at. 66. Cheese in a can or in a wrapper: Um, neither? 67. Are you possessed: Hell, no. 68. If not would you like to be: Hell, no. Gotta go with Katie's answer on this one. To be possessed would be to lose my freedom, my automony. How would that be a desirable thing? 69. We'll skip this question out of respect for the number it is... 70. Favorite school subject: English and Music 71. Is it because you have the hots for your teacher: I did on occassion. Like grade nine music class...mmmmmmm. :) But mostly eeewww, no! 72. Do you wanna wrestle: Scully, I don't wanna wrestle! 73. Do you have a thing for Mel Gibson: Not really 74. Have you ever had braces: No 75. Have you kissed anyone within the past 48 hours: Does my cat count? Sigh. 76. Would you like some cream cheese: Okay 77. Hypothetically, do you have enough money on you now to buy cream cheese if you wanted to: yes, but only if I paid all in quarters, dimes, and nickels. 78. What is the capitol of Wisconsin (don't copy): Um, did I mention I was Canadian? Hmm? Ask me the freaking capitol of Saskatchewan! Oh fine, I'll answer the dumb America-centric question... (Heather madly tries to recall the lyrics of Wakko's America...) Juneau's in Alaska and there's Lincoln in Nebraska, And it's Raleigh out in North Carolina and then, There's Madison, Wisconsin, and-- oh wait, that's all I need. :) 79. Does Mel Gibson like cream cheese: What am I, his stalker? How the hell should I know? 80. If you could tame any animal for a pet, what would it be: None. I'm happy with my cat. 81. Can you believe you've wasted this much time: Certainly. I waste a lot of time. 82. Who do you think will like this survey: How should I know? I'm not psychic. 83. Who's better- Mike Tyson, or Rodney Dangerfield: None of the above. 84. What are you wearing right now?: Old flannel shorts and my "Pigs in Space" T-shirt. That's right, I'm sexy. 85. What do you wear to bed?: In the summer I wear old t-shirts and old flannel shorts. In the winter I wear my Gordie Howe sweatpants and old t-shirts. 86. What color are your socks?: I'm not wearing socks. It's summer, and I'm sporting a lovely sandal tan. 87. Your underwear?: None of your business, really, but it's blue. 88. How many CD's do you own? Hundreds. Honestly. There are 40 or so here at my computer right now. I spend a lot of money on cds. 89. What are some of your favorite musicians? Sarah McLachlan! The Tragically Hip, Travis, Moxy Fruvous, Sheryl Crow, Sarah Slean, Tory Cassis, Barenaked Ladies, Chantal Kreviazuk, Great Big Sea, Cab Calloway, Sidney Bechet, Fats Waller, Big Mama Thornton, Wagner, Mozart, Clara Schumann, Suppe, Carl Stalling, Christophe Beck, Mark Snow 90. If you could only pick 3 CD's to take on a small desert island with no place in 2000 miles to buy beer, what would you take?: This is a damned hard question. I'd take Fumbling Towards Ecstacy by Sarah McLachlan for sure, but I don't know about the other two. Right now I can't live without Travis's "The Man Who" so I guess I'll include that. The other one is a toss up between The Tragically Hip's "Road Apples", Sheryl Crow's "The Globe Sessions" or Moxy Fruvous's "Live Noise" 91. If you could kill one Backstreet Boy, which would you choose?: Just one? That's no fair! Actually if I was ridding the world of a boy band, I'd rather off N'Sync. 92. Peanutbutter or jelly? As long as my brother is nowhere around, peanut butter. If he is around, then I guess it's jelly. I prefer peanut butter, but I really would rather not kill my brother. 93. Love or hate? Love... or maybe hate. Yeah, sometimes hate. 94. Love or lust? Love. Sure. That was the right answer, wasn't it? 95. Slow or fast? Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. 96. Dots or stripes? Stripes, I guess. 97. Crazy or sane? Crazy! Because.... "Sanity's just a one trick pony. All you get is the one trick: Rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy, hoo hoo, the sky is the limit!" (words of wisdom from The Tick) 98. School or work? Work, definitely, definitely work. 99. Drive or walk? If it's all the same to you, I'll choose hidden option C) Public Transportation 100. Email or snail mail? Email 101. Well, I believe this is a required final question for these things, so are you glad it's finally over: Yeah, because it's late now and I'm getting tired.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |