I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-08-24 - 10:57pm� Tomorrow is Friday, tomorrow is Friday! I'm so happy that this week is coming to a close. Today was not a fun day at work, but it sucked in a whole different way than it did yesterday. I think that one of the most miserable feelings I can have is when I feel useless. That was basically the theme for today. I'm used to having slow days at this job. The nature of the job is that I'm either run off my feet or I'm sitting around trying to do something, anything to pass the time. Today was the slowest day I've had there yet. I'd say that all told I maybe, maybe did a grand total of two hours worth of work in the seven hours I spent in the office. When you get a time spent on work to time spent doodling on scrap paper ratio like that, you start to wonder just how secure your job is. And to make matters worse, I am more or less job sharing my position with the woman who I was originally hired to fill in for. She was scheduled to be on sick leave while she undergoes chemotherapy treatments, but she is handling the treatments quite well, and has been working in between the treatments. This is good news. I certainly don't begrudge her wanting to work because she is able to. More power to her. But if she is okay to work, why do they need to keep me on? It is necessary for me to be there right at the moment. There was another person in her department, a supervisor type person, able to do her job during her absences. That woman is no longer with the company. Her replacement doesn't start for another couple of weeks though. So if they didn't hire a temp (me), they'd be shit out of luck on the days when the woman is away sick. So I figure that they will need to keep me around for another couple of weeks, until the new supervisor type person feels comfortable in her new position. I don't know whether I'm happy about this or not. I like the job. The pay is good, the people are nice, and most of the time, I do derive some job satisfaction from talking to the elderly people, as crusty as they are. But I really hate the days like today when there is just nothing to do. I'd rather be somewhere else where I'm needed, and I'm sure my temp agency could find me a new assignment in a minute. Hell, even if they didn't find me one right away, I'd rather be sitting on my ass feeling useless at home. At least then I have a tv and a computer and my craft stuff to fill up the hours.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |