I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-08-09 - 7:58pm� I got my haircut today. It looks alright, I guess, but it's not exactly how I wanted it. It's not quite short enough, and it doesn't look as "Agent Scully"-ish as I'd like it to. But that's okay. It does look fine. It's just not perfect. I've been due for this haircut for about 2 months now. I kept putting it off, telling myself that it looked nice longer, why bother to mess with it? And my hair does look fine when it's longer, it's just that it's a pain to style because it's so thick, and I was getting to the point where the only thing I could do with it was to pull it back into a ponytail or a bun. Getting a haircut is never fun for me. I am half blind without my glasses so when they make me take them off, I can't see what the hell they're doing to me. If they tell me to look ahead, I stare at the mirror and try to make out my features. When they tell me to look down, I look down at the hair pooling on the smock and wonder if there is more than there should be. Basically, I worry and worry all through the cut, so when they tell me to put on my glasses and take a look, I am usually just so pleased to see that I don't look freakish, that I immediately gush that my hair is "just perfect" without really thinking about whether or not it actually is. That's what I did today. It wasn't until I got home that I looked at myself and decided that it wasn't short enough, and the layering isn't smooth enough. Sigh. Oh well. I suppose I'll get used to it. If not, I can always put myself through another trip to the hairdressers.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |