I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-08-07 - 5:29 pm� Nothing of note has really happened in my life lately (does it ever?), so I have decided that today's topic for your diaryland amusement will be: People and Things That Pissed Me Off Yesterday! Sure, I could take a nicer tone and write about people and things that have made me happy recently, but I feel like dwelling on the negative today. 1) This weekend I went to a large outdoor arts and crafts festival. It is perhaps the biggest annual event in my city, and there are always thousands of people, both local and from out town, down at the waterfront looking at all the vendors. And there are always a few dozen idiots who decide to bring their dogs down to the festival too. These people decide that despite all the clearly marked signs saying that dogs are to be kept on a leash and limited to the walking paths only, it would be a really good idea to bring the dog along to the craft show. Would Fido really be that disappointed that he didn't get to see the pottery? There are some damn good reasons why dogs aren't allowed at these festivals. It's a big inconvenience to everyone to have to watch out that they aren't stepping on a dog, it's a hassle for the craft vendors to have to make sure that a dog isn't slobbering on or knocking over the merchandise that they've worked so hard on. Also, there is no room anyway in the very large craft area for dogs to relieve themselves, and no one wants to step in a big pile of dog poop in the middle of a craft show. 2) Another thing related to the craft festival. I was looking at some beautiful hand crafted silver jewelry and as I was leaving this redneck guy in front of me loudly announces the following to his woman: "Yeah, that stuff was nice and all, but you can get the same thing at Zellers for a lot less money." Um, hello? The obvious stupidity in that remark is of course that the jewelry at Zellers that would be a lot less money isn't actually silver. Then there is the fact that it is extremely rude and demeaning to insinuate that a hand-crafted, original, one of kind piece of jewelry is the same thing as a cheap, mass produced piece of costume jewelry that you would find in a bargain bin at Zellers or Walmart. I know the guy was probably just ignorant and honestly didn't have a clue about what he was saying, but as someone who has sat behind a table covered in stuff that I had worked damn hard on in all my spare time, I know how deflating it is to hear comments like that. Maybe I just have a thin skin, but I was offended for this artisan. So much time and care goes into this kind of stuff, and it is hard when people just don't understand that. It bothers me the same way that I'm bothered by remarks like "You made that? I bet I could do something like that." Oh yeah, you think so? Just go home and try it. Maybe with a lot of time and practice you could do it, but maybe not. Not everybody is good at doing everything. 3) This rant is along the same lines as that one. When I got home yesterday there was a new note by the elevator taped over top of the "Please don't toss your garbage off the balconies" sign. This one was hand written and it read: "Oh yeah? Get off your fat hairy asses and clean up this building every once in a while. Signed, The Residents." Whoever wrote this note is an ignorant little person who does not speak for all the residents of the building. He or She certainly doesn't speak for me. I would hate having the job of superintendent of this building. Our superintendent is always working. But it's awfully hard to keep a builing spotless 24 hours of the day when a good number of residents are spitting in the elevator, letting their dogs pee in the elevator(god, I hope it's just dog pee), writing in crayon on the walls and throwing garbage off of the balconies. If this person thinks it's so god damned easy to clean up this craphole, I'd like to see them try it. Rant Mode Off Okay, that's all for today. Maybe tomorrow I've have a sunnier entry. No promises though...
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |