I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-07-27 - 7:15 pm� Well, I didn't write anything in here yesterday so I think I'll make this an extra long entry today. At least that's the plan anyway. I have a lot on my mind right now anyway. Some of it might even be interesting. So first off, I should talk about my new temp assignment. I hate it with a fiery vengeange. Okay, that's not totally true. I didn't quite hate it today, but I'm still really glad that tomorrow is my last day. Yesterday was hellish. For one thing, the work is really boring. It's very repetitive data entry, more repettive that any other data entry I've done. There is very little variance in the documents I'm entering, so it gets very boring, very fast. But worse than this, I kept getting a weird feeling from everyone around there, like they didn't trust me. They weren't very friendly, at any rate. And they kept asking if I was coming back the next day. And despite my strong desire to conjure up my best Cartman imitation and yell "No I don't think I will be coming back. Screw you guys, I'm going home", I kept assuring them that I would be back. I went home yesterday feeling like I was going to cry, and I went in to the office this morning feeling like I was going to cry. And then, around 9:30 my supervisor comes in with a printout of the data I've entered, to tell me that there is a problem. The computer sporadically throughout the day, generates a printout of my work so that they can check my work whenever they want. It seems that about 30-40% of what I had entered had been flagged on the printout. So at first glance, it appeared that I screwed up about 30-40% of what I'd entered. That's bad. Everyone who looked at the printout would think that I am a space cadet who has wasted their time and money with my incompetence. But guess what? I'm not a space cadet. On closer inspection it appeared that all the entries I went back and checked show up on the printout the same as an error would. And I did check a good number of my entries more than once. That's right, I am conscientious. I care about the quality of my work, damnit! So my supervisor prints out a new report that just shows the mistakes, and guess what? Only 3 errors showed up. Out of close to 1000 entries, only 3 of them had mistakes. That's a less than 1% error rate. That's right, I rock. After all this was discovered, everyone at the office was suddenly a lot nicer. That in itself sort of pisses me off too though. If they thought I was having problems, why wouldn't they come and try to sort out the problem before I finished instead of just being unfriendly to me? Tomorrow is my last day and I am sooooo happy about it. I think I'll go out on the weekend and buy myself something pretty with some of the money I made on this job to try to convince myself that it was worth it. ***** So, it appears that they just shut down Napster. Sigh. I came into the whole napster community late in the game, but I enjoyed it. I found a lot of good stuff there, like Moxy Fruvous's acoustic sets from Frucon 1 and 3. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I guess it's back to ftp searches at Audiogalaxy for me. ***** Song lyrics that speak to me today: I must say on me this grated Every time I tried I'd get frustrated Had to kick this mood I hated All along that voice kept saying Try a little harder Don't deflate yet ---- "Don't Deflate" Starling ***** One last thing before I go. Does anyone actually read my diary? Seriously, I want to know. There are only 2 people that I'm certain ever read this. So send me a little email. You don't have to say much, or anything really, if you don't want to, just "yeah, I read it." Send me a link to your diary if you want; seeing as you know all about me, I may as well learn about you too. I feel sort of hypocritical for saying asking to hear from diaryland people seeing as I have never emailed anyone else about their diaries. There have been times when I want to, but I always stop before I go through with it because I always feel strange. I never know how to start. "So, I was reading your diary and..." That just sounds too weird. I don't want to sound stalker-ish. ****** Okay, well, that's all for today.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |