I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-07-24 - 12:02 am� I enjoy reading random facts about people, their likes and their dislikes, their embarassing memories, what makes them happy, and so on and so forth. Sometimes when I'm bored online I will surf random people's personal homepages for just this sort of information. I don't know why I find it to be such interesting reading. Human interest, I guess. This is probably what attracts me to diaryland too. So seeing as I am very, very bored right now, I thought I'd jot down some random facts about myself for the interest (or boredom) of anyone reading this, and for myself to look back on and ridicule myself for in later years. * When I am alone at home with music playing, I will dance and sing along like a fool. Sometimes I don't even sing too badly. However, if I am listening to music in the presence of anyone else I can barely bring myself to tap my foot along to the beat, and if I do attempt singing along, I almost always end up off key. * There is one situation that does allow me to totally lose my inhabitions and dance and sing along like a fool when surrounded by other people. When I'm at concerts and I am really having a good time, and am surrounded by others who are singing and dancing like fools, I will join in without embarassment. The Great Big Sea concert I went to a couple years ago was a good example of this. * I have recently become addicted to ice cream sodas. There is a cute little soda shop that opened up downtown a few weeks ago and I go there as often as I can. I'm on a first name basis with the guy who owns the store and doles out the ice cream. I am somewhat embarassed to admit that. * If I could pick any job in the world to have, I would want to own a little specialty boutique where I could spend all day making beads and selling my work and other people's arts and crafts as well. I will probably never do this because I am too afraid that such a venture would fail. * I really hate it when people dismiss cartoons as being for children. This is one of my greatest pet peeves. I take it as a personal insult when I have to go to a children's section in a video store to find Looney Tunes cartoons. * I buy two lottery tickets a week. One for the Lotto 649 draw on Wednesday, and another for the Saturday draw. Even though rationally I know I have more chance of being hit by lightning than winning the lottery, in my heart I am vaguely certain that one day my numbers will be drawn. I am always disappointed when I find that I haven't won. I think I would be well suited to become one of the idle rich * I don't feel like an adult. Sometimes I try to figure out if there is any change in the way I think and feel from the time I was a young teenager to now. Most of the time I don't think I am any different of a person now as I was back then. I wonder if anyone ever really feels like they've grown up. * Sometimes I feel that other people, even my closest friends, don't know or understand "The Real Me." I think sometimes people only see certain sides of me and decide who I am from only part of the picture. I don't blame other people for this; I know have trouble opening up about some things. But at the same time, I want everyone to see me as a complex, interesting, multi-facaeted person. * When I was 3 or 4 years old I told my mom in no uncertain terms that my life's ambition was to open up a beauty salon in her basement and do people's hair all day long. I told her that she could watch my two children while I was working. She asked me how I thought my husband would feel about this idea, and I told her that I wasn't going to have a husband. I was quite disgusted that I should even have to consider having a husband at all. Funny... it's 20 years later now, and even though I have abandonned the dream of becoming a hair dresser, I still can't picture how the husband would fit into my future. I guess that's enough for now. I enjoyed writing this though. It's an interesting exercise. I didn't plan ahead of time any of what I was going to write, I just started writing and this is what spewed out.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |