I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-07-20 - 10:18 pm� Tomorrow is my last day at my current temp assignment and I'm honestly upset about it. I really liked this office. The work wasn't always the most exciting stuff around, but everyone at the office was exceptionally nice and worked together really well. You know how usually when an office talks about the employees working as a team, it's usually bullshit? In my experience there is always backstabbing and power tripping from at least one member of the "team". Not at this office. Everyone is considered important and is treated equally. It wasn't until the 4th day of the job that I even figured out who the actual boss was. He just seemed like everyone else. So I'll really miss the people at this office. My mom and I went to East Side Mario's for dinner today. It just opened up in Barrie a few weeks ago. It was really good. It's been so long since I've gone out for good Italian food. Not that East Side Mario's is exactly gourmet, but it is good food. Besides, here in Barrie Ontario, cultural wasteland, most people consider ordering out for pizza to be eating Italian, so I'm really glad we got a good Italian place, even if it is a chain. We had a nice time anyway. After dinner we went to Walmart. Man, that is such the place to witness poor parenting. Children running wild with no parents in sight, others screaming at their parents to buy them things while their parents don't do anything to shut them up. My brother and I never did stuff like that when we were little. And it's not like my mom was ever the stern disciplinarian type either. But she did teach us acceptable behavior. I bought Travis' first cd today. It's not bad, but I definitely prefer "The Man Who." My friend Sarah is at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival this weekend. I wonder if she is having a good time. I bet she is. Folk Festivals are good. I sort of wish I had gone too, but I don't think I would have enjoyed it all that much though. The trip involves camping. A lot of camping. I hate camping. I don't like being out in nature. I mean, I don't mind it for a day or so, but after about 12 hours I am itching for a nice comfy bed and a television. And then there is also the fact that no matter how much insect repellent I slather over myself, I always get covered in mosquito bites. And for some reason, whenever I get mosquito bites they really swell up. I mean, more than they do on other people. It's not pretty. I'm really tired and I think I am rambling. I'm not even rambling about anything interesting. I should probably go now. Maybe tomorrow I'll have more to say.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |