I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

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2003-02-12 - 10:44 p.m.�
Annoyed Concert Rantings

If the crowd at the concert I went to tonight is any indication, I think I've pinpointed the reason that more good singers/bands don't play in my city. Somehow the word has gotten out that Barrie is comprised primarily of slack jawed yokels.

(As evidenced at one point in the show when Sarah Slean tried to connect with the audience and asked something like "So what is Barrie Ontario all about?" and a lot of the crowd answered in unison, "Beer!" Colour me proud!)

The audience at the Sarah Slean concert I went to tonight struck me as beyond rude. There was much loud talking while she was playing, and also much getting up, walking around, and stopping to chat with friends right in view of the stage. I spent most of the show wishing I had some pointy projectiles. Tranquilizer darts, perhaps.

I just don't understand it. It's so rude, for one thing. It's rude to the performer, as well rude to the other members of the audience. Not that hearing the noisy girls at the bar try to one-up each other with oh so hilarious tales of drunken escapades wasn't fun! And I found it especially fun that they adjusted their volume accordingly so that they could almost always be heard about the music!

But it's more than just the rudeness that floors me. I don't understand why someone would pay a $10 cover charge to sit in a bar and chat with their friends. Hello! You can do that at home for free, and you won't have to pay as much for the beer.

I'm so angry about it all, that I can hardly even form an opinion about the concert itself. I enjoyed it when I could concentrate on it, I know that. Sarah played wonderfully, as always. She didn't talk much to the crowd (with good reason), and it was a very short concert--just around the hour mark (not that I can blame her for that, I can't imagine playing to a room of people ignoring you for any longer than you have to). There were no songs that I hadn't heard before, and the only non-album tracks were "California" and "The Score." But I do very much enjoy both of those songs, so I was happy to hear them. Especially "The Score" seeing as she had not played that one when I heard her at Winterfest on Sunday.

Still, the crowd really did taint my enjoyment of the show. Maybe I'm just spoiled by seeing her at Toronto shows where the audience hangs on every note she plays, but damnit, that's the wya it should be.

On an unrelated note, I want to thank the lovely people who sent me motivational quotes! Keep 'em coming-- I'm still way under what I need. Anything relating to volunteering, teamwork, good attitudes towards life, friendship, achievement... particularly if they are quirky or funny (while still motivational). Thanks!

yesterday tomorrow

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