I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-01-02 - 10:23 pm� I called my temp agency today, to let them know that I want work, and they didn't have anything open for me. This means that I probably won't get any work this week. This is probably not a good thing. I mean, I'm sure they'll find me work soon, I'm not too worried about that. There are other concerns though. Like the fact that longer I'm off work, the more used to it I get. I get used to sleeping half the morning away, I get used to being lazy, I get used to being able to choose all my own activities for the day. I start to believe that my real lot in life was to be a wealthy lay-about. Of course, whether or not I was meant to be one of the idle rich, the sad fact remains that I am a poor girl who needs to work to make money. Therefore, if I am not working, I am not bringing in any money. I'm not in dire straits. I've got a little while before all of my share of the January bills are due. And I am expecting a couple of cheques soon-- my unclaimed vacation pay from 2000 is supposed to be issued to me this week, and my December sales cheque from the store should be issued soon as well. Until those arrive I'm forced to dip into the savings. I already had to do that today so that I could buy bus passes. I could probably pay a good chunk of that back into my savings when I return my second set of defective "Scream" dvds, but that money is rightfully Christmas money. When someone gives you money for Christmas, if at all possible, it should be spent on frivolous, gift-like items like dvds or cds or possibly some funky clothing. It should not be spent things like on phone bills or bus passes. The fact that I do have the luxury to make that distinction shows that my financial situation is not completely dire. I'm not going to starve or end up on the streets if I'm not working for a couple weeks. My savings account might be wiped out, but that's probably the extent of my troubles. I'm basically just whining. I hate having to worry about money though. And I hate people who say that money can't buy happiness or solve all of a person's problems. I know that I could buy happiness. Material goods make me happy. So sue me. I'm a child of the 80s. Buying a new pair of shoes can bring joy to my life. So can walking into a record store and buying a new cd. Buying myself a good meal in a nice restaraunt also makes me happy. On a larger scale, I think that money could buy me a lot of less material happiness too. If I had enough money, say, from a large win in the lottery, I could devote my time to doing things that made me happy. I could try to write full time. I could sit around and make things from clay all day long. I could maybe open up my own business. I could bring happiness to others. I could rescue my mom from donut lady hell. I could take my family and friends on trips. I could pay off a lot of student loans. And as for solving all my problems... well, it would certainly solve a lot of things for me. Problem one: My living quarters are crappy and too cramped. If I had money, I could move mayself and my family to a couple of bigger, nicer dwellings. One for me, one for them. Problem two: My mom and I worry about paying the bills. My mom especially gets stressed out about this. And when she gets stressed out, she gets even more insane than usual about little things. Her insanity then drives my brother and I to the brink of insanity ourselves. If we had enough money that we didn't have to worry about bills I think it would really cut down on the insanity in this home. And if it didn't, we'd be able to afford therapy. Seeing as those are the major problems in my life, I think that money could go a long way to making my life happy and problem free. And don't give me any crap about how money would bring new problems. Maybe it's true, maybe there would be more problems, but I can't believe that they'd be any worse than the problems I have now. And if they were worse, it wouldn't be too hard to get rid of the money and go back to having my current problems instead. I've been poor long enough, baby. I'd like to give being rich a try.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |