I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-07-12 - 8:52 p.m.� Hey! Tomorrow's Friday! That's the best news I've heard all week. It hasn't been a bad week, really. It just seems to have dragged out a good while longer than it should have. It's probably because last week was a short one. Why can't every week be a four day week? Why? Why, I ask you? Today I got to meet one of my clients face to face. I don't get to do this very often. I pretty much only know them through phone contact. But one of my Meals on Wheels clients came in to reception today to pay his bill, and when I realised who it was, I went over to introduce myself. The guy is always so funny over the phone. When he is changing or cancelling a meal, he always tells me so in a rhyme. Cracks me up everytime. And he is always, always nice over the phone (unlike alot of my clients). Anyway, he was absolutely adorable in real life too. When I went over and introduced myself, he grabbed my hand and shook it, and then kissed it. He said I'm doing a wonderful job, and he doesn't know what he'd do without our service. He then told me I looked much younger than I sounded over the phone. He said that from my voice he pictured me as someone who was about 35 years old. That thrilled me to no end, because a whole lot of the grumpier old people I deal with tell me things like "hmph, you sound like you're about 12 years old" or "hmph, you sound awfully young, you sure you know what you're doing?" So I called down the acocunting department to give this man a receipt for his payment, and he started telling me that he'd love to stay around and chat with "a lovely young lady" all day, but he was on his way out to go dancing at the senior's centre. He winked and told me he still gets around pretty good for a man of 87 years. 87 years old! I couldn't believe it. On his way out, he took off his hat, gave me a little bow, and told me once again that it was a pleasure to meet me. This sweet man, and this little conversation totally made my day. It's things like this-- little moments when I know that I am doing important work, that what I do makes a difference-- that I am reminded why I love my job.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |