I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2002-06-10 - 11:15 a.m.� I still don't really want to talk about it, but I know people are starting to wonder what happened, so here goes. Friday night I went to see a Beth Orton concert in Toronto with Sarah and my brother. Pretty much as soon as I stepped into the club, I walked down a three step staircase separating the bar level from the next level of the club. I missed the last stair and went flying. I'm not sure how I landed, all I know is that it must have been on top of both of my feet. My first reaction was "oh shit, I broke both my ankles." With Sarah and Tom's help, I managed to get up and realized that my right foot was more or less okay, but my left foot was not good. Considering the fact that could walk, although not well, I assumed that I had just badly sprained it. The people at the club offered to call an ambulance, but I honestly didn't think it was that bad, and I really didn't want to miss the show. I was mentally adding up the $18.40 for the bus to Toronto, plus the $29.25 for the ticket to the show, and on top of the fact that I would be out nearly fifty bucks, I was really looking forward to the show. So, I saw the show. They got me a chair, and a bag of ice, and after the show was over, I wasn't even walking too badly out of the club. The hardest part was stepping off the streetcar. Everything else wasn't bad (except for the psycho woman on the bus back to Sarah and Craig's-- read Sarah's entry if you want to know about that)-- I could even go up and down the stairs at the subway station without too much difficulty. It was worse in the morning. I decided to go back home with Tom a day early. I still didn't think it was broken, but I did think it needed to be checked out, and weighing the options, I decided it was better to do that in Barrie. Having broken my ankle twice before, I knew that if they put a cast on it, I wouldn't be able to put any weight on it for at least a day until the cast dried, meaning that public transportation in any form was impossible. So I came home. After Tom and I sat for a few hours and rested, we went to the hospital. 3 hours and 3 x-rays later, the ER doctor told me that it was not broken and sent me walking out of the hospital. Let's just stop there for a second, and savour that. She said I was fine, and sent me walking out of the hospital. We went home, relieved, and went to bed. Fast forward to Sunday morning, 9:30 a.m., when the ER doctor calls back. She says that the radiologist had a look at my x-rays, and guess what? My foot is broken after all! She tells me to come back so that she can put a cast on it. I went back to the hospital with my mother. I go through triage yet again, and then into the cast room. When Dr. Incompetance comes in, she tells me that the break on my foot was very subtle, but could be quite serious. I asked her if I could have one of those boot casts instead of a plaster or fibreglass one. She told me that with the kind of break that it I have, I can't walk on it at all. Arguements that I had been walking on it for more than 24 hours and that she herself had sent me walking out of the hospital did nothing. And just to make things that much better, she told me that I might need surgery on my foot. I have to go to the fracture specialist this afternoon, and he should be able to give me a more definitive answer on what they have to do. I spent yesterday struggling with crutches and sobbing. I can't do anything. I am next to useless with crutches-- I always have been. Having to hop with my right foot, bothers that foot (remember, I also hurt that one), my left wrist hurts because I put my weight on it strangley while trying to keep myself from falling, and my pits hurt from the fucking crutches. I've been sweating like a pig, and I can't have a shower. I'm depressed at the thought of a cast and crutches for six weeks or more. I'm terrified at the thought of surgery. Can somebody please turn back time and point out that fucking third stair to me before this happened?
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: More Sarah McLachlan. It's comfort music time. Expect Tragically Hip later today. |