I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

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2003-01-23 - 10:51 p.m.�
A Day in the Life

The idea for the format of this entry was copied from Methybeth, because Beth is cool and I am just a big copycat.

6:55 am � Alarm goes off. I hit the snooze button.

7:02 am � Alarm goes off again. I whimper and reluctantly get out of bed. I open my bedroom door to let in Simon the cat, who is scratching the paint off the door to signal that he would like to come in.

7:03 am � I sit at computer for a quick check of my email, diaryland, daily news headlines and Buffy spoilers.

7:24 am � Look at the time and curse, realizing that there is no way I�ll be finished my shower in time for the beginning of The Daily Show on Comedy at 7:30. Madly start grabbing clothes, go through entire clean clothing pile before I finally locate some underwear. Resolve to definitely put away clothes tonight.

7:26 am - Check my hair in the mirror in a vain hope that I can skip the shower this morning. Sadly, hair is quite gross, and shower is necessary.

7:35 am � Emerge from bathroom, happy to find that I�ve only missed a few minutes of the show. Trip over Mittens the cat on my way to the kitchen.

7:36 am � Forage for breakfast food. Happily discover a cinnamon bun on the counter. Sadly discover that we are out of orange juice again. Resolve to go out grocery shopping soon.

8:00 am � End of Daily Show, signaling 15 minutes until I have to be outside for the bus. I check the Weather Network, whimper at the fact that it is -20 degrees out, and briefly consider calling in sick to work. Remember that I did that last week, sigh, and turn off tv.

8:02 am � Search in vain for some food to pack for lunch. Resolve yet again to really and truly make time to go grocery shopping ASAP.

8:06 am � Notice that the apartment is a pig sty. Lament the fact that I didn�t think to clean up last night in preparation for friends coming over after work. Pick up worst of the crap lying around and wish I hadn�t invited over the friend whose house always looks perfect.

8:10 am � Realize that I probably don�t have time to both brush my teeth and blowdry my hair. Recall that it is -20 outside, and decide to blowdry my hair. Find some gum. Also, notice that I am wearing the same clothes I wore last Wednesday. Wonder how it is possible for someone with so many clothes to end up wearing the same thing week after week.

8:14 am � Bundle up in preparation for going outside in that -20. Spend a minute looking for a stray glove.

8:18 am � Notice that my still damp hair is now frozen and crunchy. Also, more disturbingly, the snot in my nose is frozen from standing outside in -20 degree weather.

8:20 am � Bus arrives, 5 minutes late. Typical. During the ride I put on eyeliner and lipstick, listen to a very charming lady swear and her screeching toddler, and silently curse at myself for forgetting my discman.

8:36 am � Arrive at work, 6 minutes late. Typical.

8:36 am � Before I even get my coat off, I am asked to cover reception for an hour. I roll my eyes and groan, and instantly regret it, as I notice my supervisor standing nearby. Laugh and pretend that I really don�t mind doing this cringe-worthy job.

8:50 am � While on reception, call in my daily meal delivery totals and changes. Start to wonder where my co-worker and office volunteer are.

9:30 am � Finally get to leave reception to go and check my voicemail. I learn that neither my coworker nor my volunteer can make it in. Grudging resign myself to the fact that I will be doing 2 and a half jobs today.

9:31 am� Work. Work, work, work.

11:15 am � Curse profusely at my phone and my voicemail. Continue working.

1:00 pm � Lunch time! An hour of glorious freedom! Despite the bitter cold, I am glad that I could not find lunch-type food this morning, as getting out of the office provides a much needed break.

2:05 pm � Creep back to my desk 5 minutes late, glad that the regular receptionist is off, and the replacement does not watch the clock.

2:06 pm � Notice I have voicemail but choose to ignore it in favor of checking my email.

2:15 pm � Notice that my voicemail did not mysteriously vanish while I was checking my email, but choose to continue ignoring it and write out a message on a birthday card for a friend.

2:20 pm � Accept that I can no longer put off my voicemail. Relieved to find only 2 messages, neither of them difficult to deal with. Suddenly remember that I need to monitor my coworker�s voicemail in her absence. Curse profusely. Breathe large sigh of relief to find nothing but a personal message and 2 hang-ups.

2:30 pm � Decide that I need a break.

2:40 pm � New client phones in. Complains about his life for the next 20 minutes.

3:00 pm � Answer the voicemail that has accumulated during the marathon phone call.

3:30 pm � Check my email again.

3:44 pm � Decide that I really need another break.

3:54 pm � Work, work, and work some more.

4:20 pm � Shut down computer and start to pack up my desk.

4:22 pm � Try to look busy, while waiting for 4:30 to come.

4:30 pm � Freedom!

5:00 pm � Friends arrive. Martha Stewart-esque friend is polite enough to pretend not to notice squalor in which I live.

7:00 pm � Pizza arrives, we feast and watch About a Boy . This is the third time I�ve watched it in less than a week. It seems I have a new obsession.

8:30 pm � Movie ends, we break out the birthday cake that perfect homemaker friend has baked from scratch. Too happy gorging myself with delicious cake to feel inferior. We chat for the next few hours.

11:15 pm � As much as I don�t want to end the evening, I kick out my friends as it is now officially past my bedtime.

11:30 pm � Crawl into bed. Briefly consider coming up with excuse to call in sick to work in the morning. Remember that I did that last week. Sigh, and drift off to sleep.

yesterday tomorrow

Recent Nonsense:

The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03

Hello again - 2006-05-03

Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15

Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23

Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26

Currently listening to: About a Boy soundtrack




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