I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-07-25 - 9:36 p.m.� I'm having a bad day. We found out that we didn't get the house, and now we are back to square one. I had a feeling that we weren't going to get it. I just knew that things were not going to go our way on this. Why don't I get to have things go my way? It isn't fair. I know it wasn't personal or anything. There was nothing wrong with our application, we pay our rent on time, the credit ratings are okay, no skeletons in the closet, but there are so many people trying to rent in this town. The vacancy rate for rentals is less than 1% rate now. That means we are competing with probably 50-100 people on every place we apply to, and so the odds are against us being the one application chosen. So there was that-- disapointment and general pissiness. And then there was work today. Work today sucked. I had more people yell at me over the phone today than I have all month. The worst of it was, at least half of the shit I had to deal with today wasn't even my shit, by rights. Most of it should have fallen squarely on the lap of my supervisor. The supervisor who just happens to be on vacation right now, and who apparently left quite a few things undone. Yay for me. Looking back on it, there were some humourous calls today. Cranky old people can be funny. The calls weren't too funny when I was dealing with them, but I suppose it's good that I can laugh about them now. But, as I said, I was not laughing at the time. I left work wanting to cry. And wanting to smash things. And to top it all off, I didn't win the lottery tonight. I'm really sick of not winning the lottery. Thank you to everyone who loves me. Sometimes I need to hear that.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |