I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-07-18 - 8:47 pm� Today was an average uninteresting day. Work was fine. I did data entry work all day. Again. But that's okay. I don't really mind doing brainless work sometimes. It frees up my mind to wander to other things while still making a gainful living. I've composed stories in my head while doing data entry before. Of course I didn't have anything really interesting to think about today... I've sort of been in a fog this week. I had Moxy Fruvous's song "Guinea Pig" going through my head all day. I love that song. It's catchy, but in a subtle way, not like King of Spain. I think it's my new favorite Fruvous song. "I want to be a new original creation A cross between a moose, a monkey and a fig" I am starting to feel claustrophic with my life again. Everyone is doing something, or has something new or exciting to look forward to, and I feel like my world is just getting smaller and smaller. It's not that I wish my friends would not move forward with their lives... well, ok, it sort of is. When push comes to shove, I would never expect or want anyone to stifle their potential so that they can stay and wallow with me. But I admit to being a little selfish, and wishing that they didn't have to move on without me. Isn't everyone a little selfish though? How can you stop that? I'm starting to feel stuck. I don't know how I can change my life, start myself on a path to something better... or if not better, at least something diferent. I've been thinking again about going back to school. Teacher's College, maybe. But I don't know. I really don't want to have any more of school right now. I did my 4 years, I got my BA, shouldn't that be enough? I was so burnt out with school by the end of it that even now, a year later I still can't even fathom the idea of committing myself to any more schooling. There are some diaries here on diaryland that I read regularly. Most belong to people I know or have been recommended to me by people I know. But I've been reading some random diaries lately. It can be interesting, sometimes entertaining, and sometimes really sad. Diaryland sort of reminds me of REM's "Everybody Hurts." Or "Earshot," that episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Buffy suddenly gains the ability to read everyone's minds. At first on the surface it seems like a fun thing to know what everyone is thinking, but most of the thoughts she hears are painful. Everyone is wrapped up in their own seperate worlds of pain, and don't often realise that everybody else around them has their own heartaches and insecurities. So I guess diaryland is a good thing, because it reminds me that everyone has their own shit to deal with.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |