I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2003-12-28 - 9:39 a.m.� I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow. This is my 9th day off in a row (5 weekdays plus two weekeends), but it feels like my 3rd or 4th. It all went too fast. Too many things to do, people to see. It was great to be so busy, and there isn't one social encounter that I would have wanted to skip, but I do wish I had another couple of days to just, well, sleep. Here's a brief rundown of my Christmas season: Dec 20-21st: Stayed at Sarah and Craig's in Toronto along with Marla. Much fun was had, along with much special jello. Dec 21st: Before leaving Toronto, I met up with another friend for lunch and gift exchange. Again, much fun was had. I need to remember to get together with this friend more often when I'm in Toronto. We always have so much to talk about. Dec 22nd: Sleep until 10:00am. Shortly after waking up, one of my friends picked me up, ran some errands with me. After that we met up with another friend for lunch and a movie. We saw Mona Lisa Smile, which was okay, though not as good as it could have been. My thoughts on it pretty much warrant their own entry, so I'll leave them for now, with the ridiculously optimistic thought that I will find the time to write about them again. Dec 23rd: This was the one and only do nothing day in my vacation. Of course, I spent this day cleaning, wrapping presents and baking cookies, which is a little more activity than I usually want in my do nothing days. Dec 24th: Had all my local friends (and Marla!) over for a casual little party to exchange presents and eat treats. It was very enjoyable for me, and I think everyone else enjoyed it too. I generally dont mix my friends, but I think everyone had enough to talk about. And everyone certainly enjoyed the food and their presents, so I think it's safe to say that a good time was had by all. After everyone left, spent the evening watching Christmas stuff with my mom and brother. Nothing puts me in the Christmas spirit faster than watching Christmas on Sesame Street! Unless its watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Dec 25th: The day itself! Got up, unwrapped all my very cool presents, went back to bed for an hour or so. Then, along with my mom and my brother, trudged over to my grandmother's to see her and one of my uncles (the one we like, thankfully). It was surprisingly okay. My grandmother was thrilled to see us. I don't think she expected us to come, especially my brother. And my uncle really appreciated it. After all, he would have been there alone with her without a break until dinner time if not for us. After we came home, the rest of the day was spent watching movies and eating. Dec 26th: Got up freakishly early (we're talking workday early) and went on a Boxing Day shopping road trip with my ever faithful shopping buddy. I got lots of excellent and cheap clothes for work, and I even stayed well within my shopping budget. Yay for me! After the shopping, my friend came back to my place and we had a few rounds of a drinking game, and then promptly fell asleep. Dec 27th: After friend left, my brother and I went out for breakfast. Shortly after we returned, Sarah arrived! Gifts were exchanged, dvds were watched, treats were consumed. Again, and not surprisingly, much fun was had. Dec 28th (today): Sarah will be spending most of the day here. Marla will be coming over for a bit in the afternoon. Evening will likely be spent watching movies and eating even more treats with my mom. And then tomorrow I go back to work. How sad. Oh! But wish me luck! Somewhere in amongst all my wacky holiday fun I applied for a job! It's a perfect job for me. I'm totally qualified, it's at another nonprofit, it involves communication, and I think would really enjoy it. And here is the best part: it's only 21 hours a week, but the pay is so high that I would not be making significantly less money than I am now! So I would imagine that I'll be competing with a whole lot of people for this job, because damn, that's just too cool. Work only 3 days a week without a noticable pay cut? Um, yes please! I will actually have time to write! And do more fimo stuff! And also, you know, sit on my ass and watch dvds! So send whatever good job vibes you can over my way, if you please. I could really use a change right now, especially a good one like that. It would be the bestest Christmas present ever!
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: nothin' |