I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2004-05-26 - 10:53 p.m.� I've been hit with that malaise that seems to be striking so many around me (and some of my fellow diarylanders too). It's that delightful blend of wanting to put my head in my hands and cry over nothing and everything, mixed with bursts of anger and impatience with everyone around me. I'm trying to rise above up, or even just ignore it, but it's not easy. It's really hard to talk yourself out of such a rotten mood. Part of me doesn't even want to try to prematurely shake it off; if this is legitimately the way I feel, wouldn't it more unhealthy to try and bury it? But still, I am trying. I don't want to feel this way, like I'm not fit to be around. The biggest thing that has been helping is to force myself to acknowledge the good parts of my day. Sure, it doesn't make the bad, sad, mad parts of day go away, but at least they can't totally consume me. So, in that spirit, this entry will focus on the little, good things rather than rants about everything that has pissed me off. *One of my clients just moved out of town. She called in this morning to give me her change of address, and I told her that in the future she will have to call another scheduler to book her rides. She got quiet for a moment and then asked if she could still call me every now and again just for a chat. *I brought on a new meal delivery client today. When I was just about to get off the phone with him he told me that I was "a delight" to talk to, and that I made the process of registering easy for him when he thought it was going to be long and drawn out. He said it was an incredible load of his mind, and that I made his day. *Julie told me that I have a very professional and "grown up" telephone voice. *The process of sending off my passport application was surprisingly easy and painless. And the guy told me that I could get it back as early as next week. Huge load of my mind, let me tell you. Of course the huge charge for the passport ($101!!!) still fills me with rage, but seeing as I am trying to focus only on the positive, I will not discuss that any further. *I had a lovely rant session with my friend Tiff after work today, wherein I confessed that since Tuesday when I held my coworker's week old baby I have been having irrational and cliched "I want one!" thoughts. She snapped me right out of it with the following words, "Yeah, they are cute but the word on the street is that (hushed whisper) you have to squeeze them out of your vagina!" Right-o. The mood has passed. * I had a very nice dinner out with Julie and another one of our friends. We ate too much and laughed a whole lot. And then after dinner we rented My Life without Me, a sad and wonderful movie. It allowed me to have a little cry, which I think I needed as a release for my crummy mood. Okay, fine, so it wasn't so much a little cry as it was a messy, red-faced, slobbering cry, but it made me feel better, and damnit, that's what counts. *And the final good thought for the day? Tomorrow is Friday.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: Sarah Slean |