I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2003-07-02 - 8:43 p.m.� It's been a busy few days. After holing up with the big ass Harry Potter book for so many evenings, I think I felt like I had to make up for lost time in my social life... or something. I don't know. I've just been busy. So what have I been up to, you ask with bated breath? I went to Toronto last Thursday evening with my friend Tiff for a spur of the moment Ikea trip. There was a sale on, and according to the ads it was a big "up to 50% off" sale. I don't think I saw one thing in the store that was 50% off. I barely saw anything that was even on sale. For the first time in my life, I was disappointed in Ikea. Still, I had a blast doing the spur of the moment road trip thing. And we stopped at the Krispy Kreme on the way home. Mmmm... Krispy Kreme! Food of the gods, I tell you. Then on Friday I spent the evening in my room finishing up the big ass Harry Potter book. And I have to say, after my initial response of quasi-disappointment (?), I have come to the conclusion that I did really enjoy the book. It was quite suspenseful, I thought the plot moved along quite well, with far less pointless stuff than in the 4th book. I still think that the big traumatic event at the end could have been played out a lot better, but overall, yay for Harry Potter five. Also, I realized that I had far higher expectations for this book than I had with the other ones. I came into the Harry Potter thing very late. It was just last summer that I read the first four books. The fifth book was the only one I had to wait for, and get caught up in the hype surrounding it. Moving on, on Saturday I went swimming with my swimming friend. I really should come up with some sort of nickname/pseudonym for her, as we go swimming and shopping and out to movies alot, and I am constantly just referring to her here as "my friend." I didn't do much of anything on Sunday. My brother spent the whole day reading the Harry Potter book, leaving me with the tv all to myself. I decided to use that special opportunity to watch 5 episodes of my Homicide dvd set. Excellent stuff. I have now watched all the episodes, and am a little disappointed about this, because now I just want to watch more. Now. I love Bayliss. And Munch, because you just have to love Munch. Monday I had to work, and it was the day from hell. 3/4 of the office had the day off for an extended long weekend, which is of course the time when disaster after disaster tends to strike. That's all I really want to say on the subject, because it's old news now, and I don't feel the need to relive it. Monday night was good though. I went out for dinner with my swimming friend, and then we went to see Finding Nemo, which I loved. It was so pretty! And um, also well written and acted. But did I mention pretty? Because wow, pretty! Yesterday I was sick, so it was pretty uneventful. I hate being sick on holidays. It's such a rip off. Today I went out for dinner with a couple friends, and that was about it. It feels like Monday today, which is excellent because tomorrow is Thursday. And Thursday is the last day of the week for me, because I have vacation days booked off for Friday and Monday! Yay! I'm going to a folk music festival with my mom all weekend. Gord Downie is playing on Friday night. Yum! Okay, I've rambled long enough. I think I'll go watch some tv now. Oh, the never ending excitment that is my life!
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: Gord Downie, "Battle of the Nudes" |