I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2005-03-09 - 10:28 p.m.� I really didn't want to be at work today. To cope with that, I decided to make a log of my work day musings to share with everyone here. 8:30 am - Arrive at work, already tired and cranky, but relieved to find no voicemail awaiting me. 8:32 am - Crap. Voicemail. 8:40 am - Wish I had stopped to get a coffee even though it would have made me late. 9:00 am - Hey! My office volunteer is making coffee. It's office coffee, but still! Coffee! 9:25 am - Obnoxious client is speaking to me like I'm a mentally deficient 2 year old. I think I'll book her with my most annoying volunteer driver. That'll learn her to piss with me. 9:45 am - Regretting the office coffee. It's not sitting well. And it's leaving a horrible after taste. How many hours until I get to leave? Crap. Still far too many. 10:00 am - I've only been here an hour and a half? How is that possible? Can it be that the normal laws of time don't apply here? Has time started moving backwards? I think I'll take a bathroom break. That'll kill a few more minutes. 10:32 am - Just got off the phone (FINALLY) with an extra talkative (and extra crazy) client. Am now talking to a good volunteer, who I'd like to talk to longer, but I still haven't had that bathroom break and now I really have to go. 10:45 - Email! Finally! I was starting to think that nobody loved me. 10:45 - The email was just a general office memo. Apparently I am still unloved. 10:57 - I swear that's the 3rd fucking Celine Dion song I've heard this morning. Stupid, stupid radio. 11:05 - A little over 2 and a half hours gone. That's like a 3rd of the day. Okay, 1/3 down, 2/3 to go. I think can deal with that. 11:09 - Optimism fading... that didn't take long. I really don't feel like working today. As if the fact that I have decided to keep this little log hasn't already driven home the point that I don't feel like working today. 11:16 - Seriously, am I the only person here who puts new paper in the printer? You people suck. 11:18 - Email from Julie! Yay! And we're going out for dinner tonight! Double Yay! I think I need to eat some chocolate to celebrate. 11:30 - The reception phone has been ringing for 17 rings now, and the receptionist is nowhere in sight. I probably should answer it, but why should I? I'm not even up for doing my own job today, much less someone else's. 11:55 - Email from Marla! Hooray! I just worked for 25 minutes straight. I really should take a break and read my email. 12:35 - Just got off the phone with my least favorite meal client. This woman is insane. But she used to be a person of local importance, so everyone still knows who she is, and her insane requests and complaints still seem to hold some weight. So I still have to investigate her bizarre complaint that her milk was not thick enough last night. Whatever. 12:45 - Just got a request for a drive, and the client didn't know the address of where he was going. My request for information about where we were taking him was treated as nuts. My explanation as to why I needed to know the address was met with the declaration that I was "wasting his time." So, what then? I should just get you a driver to drive you around town randomly until you stumble upon your doctor? Jackass. 12:46 - Screw it. I'm going to lunch. After lunch things did get a little busier, and I actually did do a decent amount of work so I didn't have time to continue the log. Pity.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |