I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2005-07-03 - 10:47 a.m.� So... Live 8. I had a good time, despite having what appears to be a stomach flu of some kind, that resulted in having to leave early. The concert itself was pretty good. Just about all the musicians were genuinely entertaining, even the ones who aren't really my tastes. But... well... it didn't really feel like we were part of this huge world wide event. In between live acts, they broadcast satellite fed from other concerts in. In theory, that would have been great, but sadly they didn't have the volume jacked high enough, so you could barely hear what what going on. There was only one time when it seemed to work as planned, and that was when Will Smith was doing the 3 second snaps to signify how often a child in Africa dies. It was quite powerful, and really did bring a sense of worldwide community to it. If only they could have managed to jack the volume as high when Nelson Mandela's speech was being pumped in. And not only was it too quiet, the stage crew was doing a very noisy soundcheck during it. Not particularly respectful. But I shouldn't focus on the negative. Here are my highlights: -Around noon, instead of going to the satellite feed, they broadcast a little public service commercial from Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant (of The Office). My brother and I totally geeked out, as we seemed to be the only people in the immediate vicinity who had a clue who they were. Gervais was riffing on Geldof, and how it was for the best that this concert was free because Geldof would just take the money and give it to a bunch of foreigners who are unlikely to pay it back. Then Merchant tried to explain that if you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, but teach him to fish, etc. Gervais did a really funny bit about how you should just take the fish. Always take the fish. Good times! Good, geeky times! -Great Big Sea were fabulous! Everyone was up on their feet clapping and dancing. And they sang "Donkey Riding" and "Excursion around the Bay". I just got a big kick out of that, that on a world stage they would choose two traditional Newfoundland folk songs, rather than any of their big "pop" hits. Only downer to their performance was that they only got the two songs! Everyone was shocked, and just kind of looking around, expecting them to come back. But it seems they had to be rushed off because some skinny French diva was ready for her satellite link up. Which brings me to highlight #3... - Celine Dion got booed! Celine Dion got booed! That truly made the day worthwhile. It's so rare to be in a crowd of 35000 people, and have everyone sharing my exact feelings. It was magical... sniff... I get choked up just thinking about it. And with that, I think I'm going to go try and eat some dry toast and orange juice, and see if I can keep that down. Stupid stomach.
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