I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2004-09-09 - 9:57 p.m.� I've been in a good mood all day. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that it felt like autumn today. I love autumn. The temperature range is right where I like it, and I love it when the leaves change. Tomorrow there is a big meeting at work to announce big changes. We figure they are announcing that my department will be officially merging with another area of the company, and will be reporting to different people. Or, that they are going to disband our department completely and fire us en masse. I'm mostly joking about that second alternative. It's highly unlikely. Still, anytime we hear about big changes, everyone jokes that we're all about to become "redundant" (fired), partly because we know that it is not completely outside the realm of possibility. Ah, the perils of working for non-profit organizations. I'll be sure and let everyone know if I'm out of a job. Strangly (or not), I'm not all that upset with the idea of unemployment. I'm going to Toronto to visit Sarah tomorrow. I'm really, really looking forward to it-- going to a club, shopping, drinking, seeing the new kitten, possibly more drinking-- it should be a very good time! In other news, my mother got a new job. This is fabulous for her because it should be far less stressful, less taxing, and also she'll be making about the same income for less hours. I'm happy for her, but also a little apprehensive. Our living together has worked so well because our schedules are so different. I love her, but when we are around each other for extended amounts of time, she tends to annoy the crap out of me. We're going to have to lay down some serious boundaries or else I may have to move for the sake of my sanity. Before I end this entry, I just have to say that I'm glad that my paranoia did not scare away Ellen from td! Hi Ellen! Okay, that's it for now.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: nothin' |