I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2004-03-03 - 8:31 p.m.� In late September I'm going to Florida. My friend's parents own some time share thing, with resorts all over the world, and they're giving us one of their weeks because they can't use them all. We were going to go to B.C. At least that was our first choice. Second choice was Halifax. Third choice was pretty much anywhere in Canada. However, it seems that for the week we want (pretty much the only one that meshes for both my schedule and hers and fits into the whole time share thing) there is nothing available in Canada. Nothing at all in this really big country is available for the week of Sept 27. So we're going to Florida. Not exactly my first, or even 3rd choice, but hey, I'm not about to poo poo a cheap vacation in a posh resort. For about $95 Cnd. funds we are staying in a primo two bedroom suite in a five star hotel for a week. That pretty much rules. So we'll just have to worry about airfare and spending money. I'm sure I'll need a lot for that, but I do have more than 6 months to save. I think I can manage that. In other news, still no one has come forth and claimed responsibility for the incredibe kindness of renewing my gold membership for me. I am still in awe that someone would do that for me. Clearly, said person is far nicer than I am. I wish I knew who to thank! But seeing as I don't, I'll just assume that whoever it is does read my diary, and will know that my big ass "THANK YOU!!!" is directed at them. I hope that Angel doesn't suck tonight, although I fear that may be wishing for far too much. It's no wonder the show is getting cancelled... they've really hit some new lows this season. Like when Angel got turned into a puppet. Seriously, what the hell was up with that? Tomorrow I actually get to spend a few hours out of the office while at work. I have to man a information booth about our services. It should be really boring, and yet also really cool because I will be away from my phone. And it will give me an occasion to wear my new $20.00 suit.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: my brother |