I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2004-01-27 - 10:54 p.m.� I've been meaning to update for days now, but I just can't seem to find the time. I'm not feeling sick anymore, but I'm still really tired. I'm starting to wonder if I have SAD because I always seem to feel tired and a little despondant this time of the year, and I seem to feel a little more myself if it happens to be sunny out. Blah. I don't know. I'm just tired of feeling this way, but I don't know how to stop it, short of sharing in my brother's pot supply. One of my volunteers gave me a 7 day detoxifying diet plan that is supposed to give me more energy and make me feel better. It's also supposed to make me lose 10-17 pounds. The key to it (apparently) is mostly eating a chicken broth based vegetable soup. I'm undecided about whether or not to try it. It's not the weight loss that I care about as much as the more energy part. The weight loss would be a big bonus, of course. The thing is though, it looks suspiciously like a fad diet. But it isn't a no carb diet, so I might give it a whirl. I don't do well without carbs. Blinding migraines, and the like. Not fun. Work has been alright, other than the fact that the suck ass weather makes my job more difficult. The paranoia following the most recent downsizing seems to be dying down. Actually, everyone still thinks that more cutbacks are coming, but everyone is a lot calmer about it. There's an air of acceptance, and also a feeling that it wouldn't be so bad to be laid off, like getting out of here might be the best thing for them. That's about how I feel. I'm indifferent. If I get laid off, it's not the end of the world. My weekends have been good, at least. The past two weekends I stayed at with a friend who was/is housesitting in a gorgeous house with a hot tub. I had so much fun. It was like staying at a really great hotel, except better because there was a big, cuddly cat, a huge widescreen tv, and also free access to the liquor cabinet. Sweet. This coming weekend I'm going down to Toronto, so that should be fun too. I did something to my ankle again. Nothing serious, at least I don't think so, but it's swollen, bruised and somewhat sore. I just keep falling on it. Seriously. I've now twisted my ankle 4 times in 6 days as a result of falling or slipping on ice or snow. I slipped on the ice one night on my way home from work one day last week. I didn't fall, but I guess I twisted my ankle. That would have been bad enough but then the next day I slipped again. I tried (unsuccessfully) to save my ankle from further injury, which led to in me falling in the snow. Fun. It was starting to feel better over the weekend, but lo and behold, I managed to slip and twist it twice again today. I've been keeping my ankle up on my desk in an effort to keep the swelling down. It has been helping a little, so I guess it's worth the unprofessional, highly undignified and unladylike position. I'm getting really, really tired of winter. Cold, snow, falling on my ass/ankles... winter blows. I've been really inspired to write again lately. More accurately, I'm inspired to try and get something published. Something, anything-- an article, a short story, a kid's story, poem... anything. I don't know why I suddenly care about seeing my name in print. I've written for years, always seeing publication as something way off in the future. I think I just want to prove to myself that I can write something that other people will want to read. So now I'm writing, rewriting, and trying to get my courage up. I know I'm likely to get a lot of rejection before I get any success, but I think I'm even ready for that. Okay, that's about all I can think of to say. Is that a week and a half's worth of updating?
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: Tragically Hip bootlegs |